Nánari lýsing
Rafhlaða 12V 55Ah (selst aukalega)
Vnr.: 329395091
kr. 495.814 (kr. 399.850 án vsk)
Gólfþvottavél RA395IBC
Mjög þægilega og góð vél.
Ferksvatnstankur 10 L
Úrgangstankur 12 L
Vinnslubreidd 39 cm
Bursti, þrýstingur 26 kg
Kemur með boginni þvöru
Innbyggt hleðslutæki
Vnr.: 309395000
Í pöntun
Rafhlaða 12V 55Ah (selst aukalega)
Vnr.: 329395091
HD stands for heavy duty. It makes no difference if the job is sanding laminated / wood floors, wet scrubbing of hard floors or crystallising marble: you get a frst class result with the removable 9.8 kg standard weight. In addition, another two weights of 4 kg each can be ftted. Power pure and simple. To transport, simply remove the standard weight.