Timburvagn IB 1200 án krana
kr. 389.000 (kr. 313.710 án vsk)
Gaspumpa fyrir Offroad 500
kr. 21.900 (kr. 17.661 án vsk)
CanAm secondary clutch spring:Heavy Duty: tires 28″-32″
kr. 10.600 (kr. 8.548 án vsk)
CanAm variator uppfærslugormurinn hjálpar til við að viðhalda ákjósanlegri CVT gírskiptingu þegar skipt er um dekkjastærð ökutækisins úr upprunalegri stærð.
Uppfærslugormasettin okkar passa fyrir allar CanAm Outlander / Renegade gerðir 400 – 1000cc.
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Vöruflokkar: Aukahlutir á fjórhjól, Iron Baltic
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Svipaðar vörur
Optimate6 (Hleðsla>0,5v)+Vaktari
kr. 27.900 (kr. 22.500 án vsk)
Automatically charge, test and maintain 12V AGM, GEL, EFB or STD starter or deep cycle batteries of any size – connect to the battery, the charger does the rest.
The Ampmatic charging controller adjusts the current to the battery size – a small battery gets less, a large battery more.
Save deeply discharged sulphated batteries at 0.5 V – the most advanced rescue program!
The unique pulse absorption mode optimises battery performance – all cells are brought to the same strength!
The intelligent 24-7 maintenance of the OptiMate rates more battery power and longer service life.
Hlífðarplata ál Polaris Big Boss 800: Sportsman 800 6×6 Iron Baltic
kr. 149.900 (kr. 120.887 án vsk)