Cleanfix Ryksugupokar (5 stk) S10-S15
kr. 2.900 (kr. 2.339 án vsk)
Sláttuvél AS 510 ProClip 2in1 4T A
kr. 409.200 (kr. 330.000 án vsk)
Ryksugurör Chrom f/S10 50cm
kr. 2.486 (kr. 2.005 án vsk)
til á lager
Vöruflokkar: Cleanfix, Cleanfix aukahlutir
Product Enquiry
Svipaðar vörur
Teppahreinsivél TW412 Cleanfix
kr. 149.900 (kr. 120.887 án vsk)
Gólfþvottavél RA395 IBC VDE
kr. 495.814 (kr. 399.850 án vsk)
Cleanfix HS770 sópur
kr. 129.900 (kr. 104.758 án vsk)
Skrúbbvél Power Disk HD Cleanfix
kr. 233.000 (kr. 187.903 án vsk)
designed for the toughest demands
HD stands for heavy duty. It makes no difference if the job is sanding laminated / wood floors, wet scrubbing of hard floors or crystallising marble: you get a frst class result with the removable 9.8 kg standard weight. In addition, another two weights of 4 kg each can be ftted. Power pure and simple. To transport, simply remove the standard weight.