Gleanfix gufu DS 8 230V / 15A

419.120 kr. (338.000 kr. án vsk)

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CLEANFIX DS 8 230V / 15A
Steam and vacuum in one operation
The DS8 steam vacuum cleaner is particularly impressive in the commercial sector with its high performance and enormous capacity. The simple principle of «steam and vacuum in one operation» guarantees first-class cleaning results. Even the most stubborn dirt can be removed with considerably less detergent and enables effortless and efficient work. In addition, the environment is less polluted.
Item no. 036.000VDE

Vörunr. 309036000 Vöruflokkar: , Brand:
0 gestir að skoða þessa vöru núna.
  • Sækja á lager Aflvéla

Verslun Garðabæ, Vesturhraun 3, 210 Garðabær.

0 kr.

  • Heimsent eða á pósthús á höfuðborgarsvæðinu

Yfirleitt hægt að senda á öll heimili.

2-3 Dagar

1.500 kr.

  • Heimsent eða á pósthús á landsbyggðinni

Ekki er hægt að lofa að hægt sé að heimsenda á öll heimili.

2-3 Dagar

1. 800 kr.

  • Árs ábyrgð
  • Skilafrestur 30 dagar



otal power 3500 W
Vacuum 210 mbar
Fresh water tank 6.5 l
Dirt water tank 11 l
Pump pressure max. 4 bar
Temperature protector 4x
Voltage control 9 V
Cable length 10.5 m
Weight 25 kg
Dimensions (L / W / H) 53 / 36 / 61 cm
Heating power 2500 W

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